WeCare: Help women find the best haircare routine
Our study explores women’s haircare experiences and the pain points users encounter. Gain insights through user research and the design process to identify potential opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of haircare routines.
Literature Review & Observation
Through concept map and domain survey, we find out that haircare is a key aspect of daily bathroom grooming and holds one of the largest shares in the global beauty market, second only to skincare.
The grooming gap refers to societal expectations on women’s grooming, affecting the time they spend and its impact on their lives. For the average woman, it results in a loss of 55 minutes of free time daily, equivalent to two full weeks each year.
Through role play, we discovered the complex emotions women experience during hair care: feeling relaxed and refreshed, but also finding it tedious and troublesome at times.
Hypothesis -> Women would like to figure out a more efficient and effective way to do their haircare.
Survey & User Interviews & Findings
We conducted a survey to gain deeper insights into women’s hair care experiences:
Time-consuming is the biggest pain point
We interviewed 6 participants from diverse cultural backgrounds and age groups, understand the decision-making process and challenges encountered in cleaning, caring, and styling by asking users about their daily care routines.
Key Findings
- Identifying and classifying hair types with a guide enables users to personalize their hair care routines.
- Cleaning takes higher priority than styling.
Objective: Dive deep into the initial insights we gain from interview and refine them, leading to a more practical product opportunity gap
- Does knowing their hair type help users personalize a better routine?
- How does a user’s hair care routine change when they have different time constraints.
Tool: The 12 hair types list, hair products, time slot cards
Participant Tasks:
Participants first identify their hair type on the 1a to 4c scale, then review caring suggestions from the internet and provide feedback on whether they agree or disagree.
Participants demonstrate their typical hair care routine when given unlimited time, followed by scenarios where their time is restricted.
Persona & Journey Map
Insight & Product Opportunity Gap
Insight 01.
It's an iterative process for women to refine their understanding of their hair type and care routine through trial and error, driven by uncertainty about what the “best” hair care truly is.
Users with the same hair type have varying routines and products due to detailed individual differences, such as oily scalp, dandruff, or hair loss, which also change over time.
Our interviewees already had a clear understanding of their hair types and a wealth of personal experience with their routines.
POG: Compress the iterative cycle by reducing both time and cost
Buying a new haircare product can be expensive. People tend to spend time researching before purchasing. If the product doesn't work, it results in wasted time and money.